Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Love who you love.

A day of silence. It happens every year for one day, intentionally. And what about the other 364 days in the year that people are still sitting in silence.
Who are these people? Your next door neighbor? Your history teacher? Maybe one of your family members? How about even possibly yourself? People are shamed to secrecy, even hipocracy, and they feel like they are forced to hide their true feelings for someone because that is what the world is nowadays.
The "goal" of life is to marry and have children to continue the population. Well people are doing that! Maybe with the "wrong" people according to society, by who cares? At least they are happy! And they have someone!
There is no reason not to love someone.
And everything and anything else.
It does not matter.
Ask yourself. Are you happy? Yes? Okay. Do you love the person you are with? Yes? Okay! Then do not let anyone tell you or make you believe any other thing differently. Love who you love. Raise hell if you have to but don't let the love you have go because of society.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Randy Pausch. *317*

“I have an engineering problem. While for the most part I’m in terrific physical shape, I have ten tumors in my liver and I only have a few months left to live.” This sentence is the first line of The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch. Pausch was a professor at Carnegie Mellon, who had a wife and three kids and was only 47. He was dying, he knew it, but even though he was dealing with depression of having to leave his friends and family, Randy decided he wasn’t going to dwell too much, and he was going to do all he could with the time he had left. Which brought him to have a “last lecture” at Carnegie Mellon about “How to achieve your Childhood Dreams” and “Two Main Head-fakes.” The head-fakes were “1) This lecture is about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. 2) The lecture was not for you in the audience, it was for my children.” This book was decided to teach his children about his life and how to live there since he can’t be the father he would like to be.

            The audience is anyone who will listen, but was mainly for his kids. The source is a little advanced for me, but that was because he was a college professor and an intellectual human being. The information is valid and well-researched. The ideas are his life and his beliefs, it is an autobiography, and Pausch wrote this himself. Which makes it correct and he was not bias about himself. No it does not update other sources.

Pausch, Randy. "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." Lecture. Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. Carnegie Mellon University: McConomy Auditorium,, Pittsburgh, PA. 18 Sept. 2007. Randy Pausch: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. Carnegie Mellon University, 30 Sept. 2007. Web. 7 Nov. 2013.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bill Spencer. *596*

In 1966, Bill Spencer graduated in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, being only the second class to graduate. Similar to Mr. Jim he decided there wasn’t much for him to do after high-school, thought unlike Mr. Jim, Bill really could not afford to go to college either. With those factors at hand, Bill enlisted in the Marine Corps. As he was enlisted, he was sent to boot camp for 8 weeks. Typically, boot camp was 12 weeks long, but as the war in Vietnam increased; the length of boot camp decreased. After he completed boot camp, he was allowed to come home. However, it was only for 20 days. Prior to the 20 days back home, he was then transferred to California. In California, Bill completed the last stages of his training and gained some knowledge to what the future might hold for him and the other marines. On October 10th, 1967, Bill Spencer was flown to Vietnam.
As he arrived to Vietnam, he explained to us, that nothing really happened in the beginning of his time there. In January of 1968, the Marine Corps were forced into a 77 day battle. Bill told us about how there were only 5,680 marines. In an article that Bill had read by the head of the Vietnam soldiers, General Giaup, he expressed that there were more than 100,000 Vietnamese men surrounding the marines. Also in the article, General Giaup explained how if the marines would have gone one more week of bombing them, the Vietnamese soldiers were going to go to the General Peace Assembly and surrender.
In Spencer’s “free time”, he and the other marines were told to write letters as much as possible to their loved ones. There were sometimes that Spencer’s family would go months without hearing from him. From time to time, the supplies helicopters could not land and give the items the men needed because they would be gunned down on the landing strip. Another time Bill had recalled in his preparation time, was a time that the marines needed to go wash up in a creek nearby. In that creek, being most of the men were only 19 at the time, they played like kids while washing up. It was one thing they got to enjoy in their time in that horrid place.
Today being 67, he is married and has two kids, a son and a daughter. But also in the present Bill suffers from an acute case of PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/post-traumatic-stress-disorder/basics/definition/con-20022540)). Bill finds it to take a nap, he just can’t. He voiced to us that he gets angry and irritable, that it’s sometimes too hard to concentrate. He described that he really doesn’t know why. Bill believed that it could be that he is just afraid something is going to happen or rather. Bill says that he still has nightmares and wakes up at night, that when he lays down at night he is always wide awake and alert. Also he expressed to us, that he goes to a support group, because it really helps. When Bill was asked if he would go back knowing what he knew now, he told us that he probably would. His father was his idol and his father was in the war, and he wanted to follow in his footsteps. Bill Spencer is a very good and brave man.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gay Adoption *387*

            In the 2000 census about 65,000 children lived with same sex parents, but now the statistics in 2012 is at 110,000 children which is over a 100% increase. Studies conducted by the Princeton Survey Research Associates International show that 53% of people agree with giving children to gay couples. 39% oppose the fact of reality. And 8% of people are unsure how they see their views and beliefs on gay adoption. Under the Iowa Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same sex marriages, a married same sex couple may now petition to jointly adopt a child who is not biologically related to other of the parent, just like straight couples can. Also lesbian/gay adults may petition individually to adopt a child who is either biologically related to or already adopted by a same sex partner. Gay adoption should be legal and there are many reasons why.
            Children deserve parents no matter if your parents are straight or gay. It is important that the child is raised in a good home. The affirmative wants you to think that children in gay/lesbian homes get mentally, emotionally, and sexually abused more than a child in a straight home. That is not the case. According to the PSRAI, kids with same sex parents get abused 45% more than children with gay parents. If the United States adopts the proposition from the affirmative it would take a lot of children from good homes and parents. Plus when a parent loses a child they have a part of their brain that causes them to think of suicide. 3 out of every 7 parents who lose their child do committee suicide. Chances are that it would only make things worse for families.

A child with no parents would much prefer to have two parents that love and care for them no matter the gender of their parents. Studies for the PSRAI show that children with same sex parents are more open minded and happy with themselves.

Jim. *556*

                In 1965, Jim’s life was altered for good. Jim graduated that year in Illinois, and with the knowledge that he couldn’t do much more with his life, he went down to the Draft Board and signed up. (Draft Board - A local board of civilians in charge of the selection of persons for compulsory military service. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/draft+board)) He was drafted immediately to Fort Knox in Kentucky, in which he spent 10 days there. During those 10 days he was taught the lowest basics and training of the military. Once he passed that, he advanced to the next stage of being a student of the military. Jim was transferred to Fort Louis for 10 months to finish the training and gain knowledge of the military technology. As soon as he exceeded the drills, he was sent home to see his family for the last time before embarking to Vietnam. Though most arrived to Vietnam by plane, Jim and his military family were shipped. He arrived in the Southern part of the China Sea. His job was to be on the Central Islands in Southern Vietnam and form a blockade so the Vietnam soldiers could not pass and breach their forces. In September 1967, Jim came home.
                That was the story this man gave us, he kept it brief. However he was willing to answer questions. Some other knowledge about this man is he was married in 1970 to a woman named Linda. But while in Vietnam, he had a girlfriend. He received a letter from her starting with “Dear John…”, his girlfriend forgot his name. In her letter she described how she couldn’t stand the stress, plus there was someone else. This girl got married to someone else, and Jim laughed and said, “To this day I know where she lives, though I won’t do anything to her, I still know.”
                Another moment he experience was a time he thought he got him by a round. Jim believed he was hit, though he didn’t feel anything. When he called about a medic and was checked thoroughly, the medic told him a can of meatballs saved him. What Jim felt was just the juice of the meatballs, warm, on his back. 
When Jim was released to come home, he described how he wanted to re-enlist and go back. He talked about how he and some other men from Vietnam were put in a room and asked who wanted to go back. Jim raised his hand. Though when Jim raised hand, he inquired if he could change his M.O.S. (A United States military occupation code, or a Military Occupational Specialty code (MOS code), is a nine character code used in the United States Army and United States Marines to identify a specific job. In the United States Air Force, a system of Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) is used. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_occupation_code)). Jim was told he could not, and he knew he was done.

When asked, “Knowing what you know now, would you go back and do it again if you had the chance?” Jim answered, “Hell no.” He described how especially from what he knows now that being there is lie after lie after lie, that he has had enough. Jim said that even though you’re there fighting for your country, you are more fighting for yourself, and the will to stay alive. He said he had learned his lesson.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cell Phone Policy. *310*

“Put your phone away or I am going to take it and you can pick it up with your parent after school.” We have all heard this shit repeatedly. You just want to look at the teacher and be like “Do you pay my phone bill? No? Oh yeah that is right, well you probably are not getting my phone then.”
When I hear teachers say these stupid things, I honestly want to punch them in their faces, and I KNOW I am not alone.
What I think should really happen is that, teachers just need to calm down about the use of cellular devices and not worry so much.
Reason One: If the student checks their phone and responds to a text every so often, just let it ago. Teachers do not know what is going on in a student’s life, what they are texting, or who they are texting. It is another thing if a student is on it the whole time playing Trivia Crack or something, which leads me to reason two.
Reason Two: If a student is on their phone the whole time playing Trivia Crack or something, they obviously do not care. Therefore a teacher cannot force them to care then. JUST LET IT GO! When a teacher mentions it and distracts the class, it honestly is just a waste of time, especially for students who are trying to learn.
I sincerely believe that students have a right to their phones, especially considering that teachers do not pay for the students cellular devices. Also in addition to that, teachers are on their phone during class, so that makes them hypocrites.
Shouldn’t they lead by example?

Well that is just my opinion however. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Freedom Of Speech. *357*

We all know the Constitution. We are all born with our rights in America. Or so 'they' tell us.
But what really happens?  
We are born into a world in the United States that is controlled by capitalism and the government. 
(And well who can really trust those things?)
Now. The United States of America is the greatest country in the world. I would not want to live in any of part of the world. But even though we have the most equality and (for the most part) our constitutional rights. 
I say for the most part for many reasons. One of the easiest examples to explain would be freedom of speech in the workplace or school. 
Okay so a little sub-story to my point, I have a potty mouth. I swear like a sailor. It does not bother me however. It has gotten me in trouble though. I have even been suspended for it. 
Which brings me back to my main point. Even though it happened long ago, I do not feel that was reason to suspend me, or any child for that reason, nor to fire people (because that happens in this world). That is a violation of our rights though! Just because you say the word fuck does not mean a child should be suspended from school. 
It is something that has always bothered me that someone can get in trouble for saying a "curse" word. Which to me, that is not even a real thing. That is just stupid. People and society just gave those words more meaning then needed to where people can not say a word like fuck or shit without being shunned. Even though we are giving that right the second sperm and egg create a fetus. 
I really wish this was not even a problem. Sometimes you just need a word like that to make your point and you should not be shunned for exercising your freedom of speech.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

School Cheer. *440*

     This year I have faced a problem that has severely pissed me off. The funding for cheer here was cut.
Meaning now there is only one squad and it is just ONE Varsity squad. No freshman at all. Sophomores on varsity. And the normal junior and seniors still.
     Now yes the younger ones that made it on the team are good. I am not saying they are not. Yet, one of my main problems is that I have been in cheer since my freshman year way back when, and this is MY first year on a varsity squad as a JUNIOR. I have worked for it. I have gone through the "phases". I have earned my years for my spot on the squad, just like most of the older girls on the squad. And once again, the younger ones do have skill, I am not doubting that, but it absolutely frustrates me that these girls (even though they do work hard and have skill) just got their spots on a varsity squad handed to them. I do not mean that in the sense the failed at tryouts but still got it, no, I mean the years leading up to it.
    Another problem to me is they cut the teams for "no funding" yet we got new warm ups and new uniforms. To me that does not make sense at all, because it was thousands of dollars to get them, but we can't keep two other teams that cost nothing? I am sorry but that sounds ludicrous to me.
    If it was a problem with time and coaches, why couldn't we have kept the teams and hired another coach, which we did anyways...
So that does not make sense to me at all, in no shape or form.
   It also irritates me that girls that have been doing cheer longer than I have been got their spots taken by the younger. Almost all the younger girls tumble too. Which adds to extra points. So when a lot of our scores came out for who was on which squad or for who was not on the squad at all, the younger girls beat most of us by two..
  Also being one varsity squad, we got split up travel and non-travel for football season. Which as if the squad was not clearly divided enough, it made it worse.
  I love cheer. It is my home. I miss how it used to be. There has been quite a few issues this year and it has been a little unfortunate, but the juniors have already had some ideas to make the best of next year.  

Atomic Bomb. *247*

Should the Atomic Bomb (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/atomic+bomb) have been dropped or not?
Many problems arose when the question of the atomic bomb hit the news.
When looking at the facts, there are so many reasons why we shouldn't have dropped the Atom bomb. The main reason is the Japanese WERE trying to surrender to us. Yes, the did want to have conditions,  but it wasn't appeasement. It wasn't anything close to how we treated Hitler, for example. They were trying to surrender and we still bombed them...twice. Also, after we dropped the atomic bomb, WE GAVE INTO THEM! We let them keep their leader! So the United States basically dropped the atomic bomb to be arrogant.
From dropping the atomic bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, America killed 220,000 Japanese civilians. Really...
Not to mention nor forget that American had just put about 120,000 Japanese-American's in retention camps after Pearl Harbor, accusing them of being spies and taking everything they had.
I understand that America wanted some sort of justice after Pearl Harbor, but this was not the way to go about it at all.
Maybe I don't know the full story, but this is what I am being taught in my US History Class.
America murdered. Instead of being the bigger country and being the Superpower nation that we became to be during World War II, we failed and we murder.
What happened to not fighting fire with fire.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

School. *522*

Math in schools. Is it really necessary?
What does knowing how to do proofs help you in life?
It doesn't.
Now, if you ask a math teacher they will make up some bullfrog answer of the meaning of math, well, of course they will they are a math teacher. (Not saying math teachers are horrible, I dislike all teachers equally).
But honestly. Why do we need to know these useless skills?
Well, sad fact, I can't answer that.
When you go look at something like that Board of Education and what they say about subjects and why it is important it is a lie. Those people are trained to bullshit everything they say. That is why the school systems suck so bad.
If you go and type into Google, "school makes me" you will get answers like cry, kill myself, stressed, smoke, all of these horrible answers.
I am a person who loves school. Mostly. There are somethings I do not really dig about it, but for the most part I enjoy school.
I don't.
Well because school nowadays puts a ridiculous amount of stress and pressure on children. Teachers, administrators, parents, other students, the school board itself, all of these are factors that make school worse.
Let's start with an example, I had 3 AP classes at the beginning of this school year, 2 regular classes, a full time job, and a demanding sport. I wouldn't get to sleep until about 2 a.m. I would get out of school at 2:45, pick up my little sister at about 3:15, go home to drop her off and change for either work or cheer have to be there at about four wouldn't get home until 8-8:30, shower, eat (if I had time) and then do my homework (which was something for each class every night) I would get done with homework about 1:30-2 a.m., sleep (if I could) and be up at 7:00 that morning, then repeat. My grades fell. I came to school overly tired. I almost never ate because I never had time. I was stressed and very depressed. I never wanted to get out of bed anymore because of school.
My point being, I am not the only one.
These problems are problems over half the kids in the school system face.
Major question is why is nothing being done about it?
Why is something like the School Board or the educators we see everyday, not realizing these problems and try to do something about it?
I don't have that answer, even though I wish I did. Maybe one day though kids will stand up for their rights as students in the system.
Also to bring my opening back to play, why aren't we be taught things that'll help us in life? Something that would take the stress down a little instead of the pointless shit such as, natural logarithms. What about how to balance a check book, how to prep for families, how to budget you money, stuff about maintaining a car. THINGS THAT WE COULD USE!
The school system is heavily flawed.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Miley Cyrus. *334*

Hannah Montana? Good Miley? Bad Miley? There are so many colorful conclusions over this woman. Now, this post will be very opinionated,  passionate, maybe even seem defensive. This is a subject I'm very personal about, no matter what anyone else thinks about it. I am quite aware of her evolution and the widely diverse assumptions over her behavior, attitude, etc. "There are countless "negative" characteristics", people just criticize her in everything she does.

She started out as a little girl playing Hannah Montana,  making the"best of both worlds." (Puns are the building blocks/fundamentals, just saying), as she grew during that she was attacked for every little thing she did. The turning point was her song "Can't be tamed", which was labeled "too proactive" for the public and the Disney Channel image (Which, I don't know if Disney has realized but almost every star gone through has been classified as "Out of control," yeah wait ago Disney, blame the "victims" {for lack of a better word}). Soon after she changed some more, her hair, her music, her attitude. Was it a bad idea?

Miley Cyrus grew. She changed her hair. She changed her style. She changed her music. She changed her philosophy. She grew. Yes, some changes were more drastic over others, but her best change was she decided not to care, that she was going to do her, and live her life for herself. Is that really do bad? Yes I don't agree with all her lyrics. But its a CHOICE to listen to her music. If you do not like her, THEN DO NOT LISTEN TO HER. (End of the f*cking story)

Anyway,  question on hand, is Miley Cyrus a role model?

She embraced change and made herself a stronger, more beautiful (inside). She shut out the haters and put her faith in who she is. Which is very inspiring.

I'm not even going to argue no. Its pointless. Yes there are people that believe it. Well, I am not one. 

Social Media. *336*

Is social media destroying personal communication and interaction?

Technology has advanced. And advanced. And advanced. The world we know today is completely different from just a short 30 years ago. Short from even just 16 years.

Technology has made our world better and worse. Better in the fact that now we have advanced so much it has helped in schools and medicine and law. Even in religion on occasion.

At first it was the simple things, such as stop lights, radios, tv's, even electricity. All simple. But as our human race continues to grow we thrive on the idea of technology.

Started out simple with T.V.? The old dinosaur box huge picture broadcasters. Now it has become to the point we have 3D movie theaters in our living rooms.

That is just ONE example.

Does it really seem so bad though? Just tv? Does it really affect us that much? Tv enhanced everything. Social media has flooded through things like tv and radio and cellular devices.

The answer is yes.

Even though we do not realize it, technology has greatly changed how we interact among one another. How we speak. How we act. Even quite a bit of cyber bullying comes from it. And sexting. And people now have no communication skills. People have no learned to be personable people.

Especially the younger generations growing up with all these technologies and the conflicts arising with them.

Yes. Technology has helped us. But has it helped up more than it has hurt us?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

SMART Lunch. *408*

In the last year, a new way of school has been introduced to us Kennedy Kids. Something we call SMART (Students Managing Academic Resources and Time) Lunch. The idea is that students and teachers have more time to teach and gain help, ending tutorials, private studies, and using the time wisely. It has it's pro's and con's like anything, however when you look at the bigger picture, is it helping or hurting us?
SMART lunch is designed to designate time for students to receive more help, for kids who have job, sports, or just no time after school. Which is a "smart" idea. I have heard from several peers about how, "Thank god, I can do my work during SMART lunch! I had no time last night!" So yes, SMART lunch is a decent idea in that aspect.

However, what about the details? The idea is that only junior's and senior's with no D's or F's can leave. Thats not what happens. Yes they guard the doors but if someone wants to get out; they find away. A lot of people believe that is unfair considering, years past, juniors and seniors got to leave no matter what.
Another downfall, teachers now use a weapon or insult, not okay. Teachers threaten you with, "Well you'd do better if you came to tutorials." HOWEVER, our lunch is supposed to be our break in the school day. A lot of kids are forced to go to tutorials every day, sometimes twice a day, and don't have time to eat.

What about the class meetings and seminars that they are now requiring students to attend? Most so you can graduate. That is outrageous. Especially because every time there is a class meeting, no one cares, and most information they tell us is the same thing they do every time. (SIDE NOTE: Why require all of us to go, why not let kids who are on the right track or don't care do there own thing? Freedom of choice? Apparently never. There will be a different blog for that however.)

There a quite a few more elements of SMART lunch that could be discussed, maybe I'll revisit in another blog. I hope my point was made though. I'm not going to flat out state how I feel, I am optimistic my tone came across in an affective way. Now, think to yourself about the benefits and disasters of SMART lunch.

Abortion. *522*

There are A LOT of different views when it comes to this topic. Abortion is the process of terminating a fetus. Some people believe that as soon as a sperm and an egg connect that it is a life, a baby (more specifically). But notice how I never stated "ALL people believe?" Some people think it is only a form of life, a baby, when said baby is brought to term and "given birth" to.
Should abortion be legal? When asked this question people don't think of every little aspect. Most people are very one-sided, and close-minded, even though when answering the question there are many variables that should be considered; such as reasons medical, rape, accident, and, age. There are so many different challenges that are faced but not examined.
Should abortion be legal? Why? What reasons are there for it to be legal? Look at rape, when girls/women are raped and it results in a pregnancy; should they responsible for the baby? Should they have to look at a child that came from one of the worst possible situations and be reminded constantly where the child came from. Should they also have to put their lives on hold for something they did not want nor can afford? This is also tied with medical. Rape causes issues with the reproductive organs sometimes which is not good for the "child". Also their are other medical issues, diabetes for example don't always have the nutritional value to bring a fetus to term and have the baby be healthy. A woman and a man are meant reproduce and keep the world going. Yes. However, should a woman be stuck in a place with no way out and a the rapist no responsibility in which he put his sperm in to create? Yet, studies show women who have an abortion are 45% more likely to commit suicide, and teenage girls who have had one or more abortions become 10x more likely to commit. Looking at it from the other side, is it really worth it?
Another reason to examine would be age. As I stated in the previous paragraph teenage girls have a 10x higher chance to commit suicide after abortion. Although a great possibility, what happens if a teenage girl does not get an abortion? She has a greater chance of being bullied, a 25% chance of having another baby within 24 months of the first one being born, a 50% higher chance of dropping out and not going to college, and a 46% higher chance of chronic depression; all because she had a baby as a teenager. Also only 26% of guys who get a girl pregnant actually stay around, raise the baby, and marry the women.
Now, those are only a few things to consider when answering if abortion should be legal or not. I am not saying whether I believe either way, but I feel people should keep an open mind and be cautious of other people.
Women should be able to make their own choices on abortion and whether the should be able to or not.

Cheerleading. *549*

Have you ever watched a cheer competition? Have you ever seen a cheer practice? Many people do not consider cheerleading a sport, but then do not realize the strength, dedication, and pain that goes in to making it look like the girls are just cute items in midriffs and skirts.
There are quite a few ways to get hurt performing in this sport. The minor injuries are things like spraining, rolling, fracturing, and even breaking your extremities. Also concussions are occur quite often. Moving up the scale, there are some more serious injuries such as, breaking your hips, skull fractures, cervical spine injuries, brain damage, and even death. It is pretty obvious that a lot of people who do not do cheerleading, that don't understand, hell, sometimes the girls doing breaking themselves question if putting their body through the pain is worth it.
But is cheerleading hurting girls more than just physically? It can go both ways. I will argue both sides even. When looking at the issue, people have to keep and open mind over it.
YES- I think cheer does hurt girls more than just physically, and not even just the girls in cheer. An example being that, if you look at movies and tv shows, they have set the bar of the stereo typical cheerleader. Stereo typical cheerleader being, dumb, rich, mean, unreachable beauty and popularity and many more ideas just like that, that is not true though. Yes, there are some girls like that, but that is just it that's SOME GIRLS, that is not ALL and that is not CHEERLEADER. Another example from personal experience would be myself. When I was in middle school, social media, and other girls made me believe those things. They also made me believe I wasn't good enough to be a cheerleader. Once again not true. While that did hurt, it made me better, which leads me into my next argument.
NO- Cheerleading is the type of sport that pushes you in every direction, whether it be physical, mental, your endurance level, your teamwork, even your leadership. Being a cheerleader is not about the show, it's about bettering yourself and keeping that spirit alive. Cheer does hurt you, but from that pain it makes you a better cheerleader AND a better person. Once again I will go back to a personal experience, cheer for me made me stay in school and do better in school, and that is true for a lot of girls, just like any sport. If your grades aren't good, you can't do your sport. Cheer is the one thing I am good at that keeps me going. Cheerleading is my life. The same is to say for most other cheerleaders out there.
It isn't just a sport. It is a lifestyle. It is a aspiration. It is a goal. As a cheerleader, you see other cheerleaders that push you more than yourself, or your coach. Other girls make you do it for the "Wow" and the "I can't believe you can pull that, teach me." Seeing others make you more dedicated to improve and aim high for that perfect toe-touch or hitting your extension. Cheerleading hurts for a little bit but the pay off, for girls like me, is more than most people would understand.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mr. Nees

Mr. Rick Nees is a Kennedy teacher for the math department. For Nees, when he teaches he usually tries to incorporate many means of music into his teaching style. He is also the adviser for guitar club, and partakes in other ways such as ONE Night director, and even Open Mic. So, Nees and I took some at sat down and talked about music, which is a usual thing for us, and I asked him some deeper questions.

Why do you love music?  
I don’t love ALL  music, but I think the music I do love has rhythm and melody that bring out feelings that don’t seem to get released any other way.  I don’t know words that would accurately describe the emotions … and that’s that.

What does music mean to you?  
It’s a communication method for me; both with and without words. 

What has music done for you?  
Since music became a dominant part of my life and personality, which started in the last half of my senior year in high school, my entire view of living made and abrupt shift from nothingness to limitless.  I began taking a much warmer and deeper look and all things going on around me that I had never paid attention to before.

How do you feel on today's society and how music is used? 
 Music is used for such a wide spectrum of reasons … it’s limitless.  It is used to make money, straight up, to make political points, express feelings about self and feelings toward others, to tell stories of the past, present, future … It can be used for therapy, to give certain feelings to visuals (like in movies and such).

What would you do if you could to change things you don't like about music?  
I wish the commercial aspect could be removed so more of our population could be exposed to the “art” of music.  With legal tender making all the decisions about what type of music the masses will be exposed to, it seems to have manifested short attention span and a shallow demand of quality.

What is your favorite music? Why?  
I have an electric type of music admiration.  I love to listen to music that makes it feasible to hear all the various parts and how they fit together and accompanied by lyrics that make me see things differently or confirm a view I already have.

Mr. Nees has a lot of the same views on music that I try to point out and have come across in my blogs, and I sincerely hope that having the same views (or close) will help to make the message matter.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hold On Till May Analysis

This is the analysis of Hold On Till May by Pierce the Veil. It is a conversation between a guy and a girl on why she should stay alive and how he is telling her that she is okay, he tries to show he is there for her. What I say might not mean to you what it does to me, but this is just my gathering. If you agree, then you do. If you disagree, then you don't. Either way this song is amazing so if you don't like what I say, or even if you do, give this song a little listen. It is truly beautiful.

(She sits up high,
Surrounded by the sun.
One million branches and
she loves every one.)
It is like she is in a room full of people and she cares about them all. As you look into the words she isn't actually surrounded by the sun. The sun can be a number of different things but mainly it is an analogy for the world. 

(Mom and Dad,
Did you search for me,
I've been up here so long,
I'm going crazy.)
Surrounded by all the people in the world, her own parents did not even care to notice her. She is feeling crazy for waiting on the reliance that does not seem like it will ever come.

(And as the sun went down,
We ended up on the ground.
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound.)
As the world fell apart, we came down to the ground to see the damage. The disaster was like an metaphor of the craziness that came from it, and she couldn't take it.

(And as we own this night,
I put your body to the test with mine.)
I will help you, all the energy I have help you with. We will make this better and get through this.

(This love was out of control,
3-2-1 where did it go?)
What happened to the world, we were all okay now its gone.

(Now don't be crazy, yes now,
Of course you can stay here
been in a touring band for going on ten years)
He tells that of course he will help her get back up. That it will an amazing distraction for her. He wants to help her so bad.

("Big deal," She said, " i guess you're official"
I only said it 'cause I know what it's like to feel
Going to back when she was mentioning her mom and dad and saying she is going crazy she tries to defend herself saying she didn't mean it. She tries to cover up what she was trying to say. She does not want him to realize what she truly means yet. She says he is official because now even though she is resisting him she realizes that he means something to her, she knows what he is trying to do, she tries to hide it and write him off like she does not see it however.

(It gets you down,
We've all been there sometimes
But tonight I'll make you feel beautiful once again.)
He tells her that everyone goes through the crap that she is going through, he tells her that he can help. 

(And as the sun went down,
We ended up on the ground.
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound.
And as we own this night,
I put your body to the test with mine.
This love was out of control,
3-2-1 where did it go?)

(If I were you, I'd put that away
See, you're just wasted
And thinking about the past again
Darling, you'll be okay.)
He is telling her that she is alright. He tells her that she just needs to wake up and realize the important things she is not noticing right in front of her.

(She said,
"If you were me, you'd do the same
'cause I can't take anymore
I'll draw the shades and close the door
Everything's not alright and I would rather....")
If he was her she thinks he would understand she would rather be dead then unloved and alone, yet she still does not understand she is not alone and he is there for her.

(And as the sun went down,
We ended up on the ground.
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound.
And as we own this night,
I put your body to the test with mine.
This love was out of control,
Tell me, where did it go?)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gold Roses

Once again here is another "song" of mine. It is not good nor is it special, I am just having a terrible day and trying to think of what to post about. I know I am not a professional musician or anything thing. I also know I am not really good at this but hey, in music there are not right or wrong answers or feelings.

Alone on a downhill spiral,
There is no turning back because there is no one else
I do not know what to do
I cannot breathe or see anything through
I am dying faster than normal

How do I live or fix myself
What do I do with no help
Every hidden minute there is a tear
Wish I had someone here
Just one person who cares

Faking, the daily image
It is not an easy thing to do
All alone trying to find a way to salvage
The Broken and the Burnt
 Dust of the the shadows
No place for me

How do I live or fix myself
What do I do with no help
Every hidden minute there is a tear
Wish I had someone here
Just one person who cares

I have not a damn clue 
Barely breathing
Yet still alive
Wanting to give up so badly 
But fighting to try
How do I know its working
How is there a chance
I do not know if I am done here
Have not found IT yet

How do I live or fix myself
What do I do with no help
Every hidden minute there is a tear
Wish I had someone here
Just one person who cares

Maybe one day.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Not Always What They Seem

For many o' time, from city to continent, people have always judged books by their covers. Yesterday while I was at work, on some down time, I overheard the music that one of my bosses was listening to at it just so happened to be "Love Me" by Lil Wayne. Which shocked me, if you look at this girl she looks like one of those boyband Taylor Swift fake pop music kind of girl. No. She is not.

She listens to rap music and can rap very well actually. She listens to Skrillex. SHE LISTENS TO SKRILLEX!!! That is a huge deal to me because only the coolest of the cool knows who Skrillex is. And when I asked her about it, she said "Yeah? Who doesn't?"

Long story short she is my new favorite person.

Anyway, people have judged other people forever. Everything I mentioned about Kelsi I have gotten the same thing, so I understand. In another blog you can see what I mean. When people ask the question "What kind of music do you listen to?" I always answer everything because its true. I will not say I dont like one thing. You can always find something.

Maybe if people listened to each others music before talking or becoming friends people would get a long better. For example, if someone listens to very depressing music but acts happy, if another person going through something similar hears, the people will have an unspoken connection and can help said person.

Music is the number two unity of entertainment next to literature. Do not waste it. Music does not just define a nation or generation, it defines a purpose. Music is another term for knowledge. You learn so much about people from what they listen to or how they listen to the music. Whether they listen to the beat or the lyrics or even if they think music is just noise. You can ALWAYS learn something and you can ALWAYS connect with the person.

Friday, September 26, 2014

MY Top 6 + Mood

I have been asked to go into a little detail into what I like music wise. Well I below I did, barely though. I seperated songs by basic catagories of the "normal" feelings. These are not even close to all of my moods and songs but it is a start and maybe I will break it down further into genres. It is a very definite possibility. But for now these are my basics.

1 Ace Hood - Bugatti
2 Skrillex - Make It Bum Den
3 MGMT - Electric Feel
4 Nickleback - Edge of a Revolution
5 Never Shout Never - First Dance
6 The Cinema - Kill It

1 Mayday Parade - Terrible Things
2 Frank Ocean - Thinking About You
3 Twenty-One Pilots - Truce
4 The Cranberries - Zombie
5 Ly Lykke - Possibility
6 Sia - My Love

Bad Ass
1 Falling In Reverse - The Westerner
2 Woe, Is Me - Last Friday Night
3 Lil Wayne - Rich As Fuck
4 Tyler The Creator - Yonkers
5 Iggy Azalea - Black Widow
6 Lil Wayne - Love Me

1 Pierce The Veil - Hold On Till May
2 Of Mice & Men - Little Talks
3 Almost Lover
4 The Killers - White Demon Love Song
5 Band Of Horses - The Funeral
6 Asking Alexandria - A Prophecy

1 All Me - Drake
2 When You Can't Sleep At Night - Of Mice & Men
3 Warrior - Kesha
4 Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar
5 Work Hard, Play Hard - Wiz Khalifa
6 Machine Gun Kelly - Raise The Flag

Those are just a few. I hope you take a moment and when you need a song listen to one of these and hopefully it helps you like it does me. If you need anymore suggestions, I will totally be able to hook you up with anything that can help you. Music is my voice.


The Feeling

I was just told "I liked the song you wrote on your blog the other day." So I figured it deserved a post. A post about the accomplishment brings in music. The sense of pride I got from that one compliment.
With music comes a sense of release, such as an emotional connection, not just with yourself for writing it but also with the people for reading the words or "lyrics" that mean so much to you.
A song is a physical exertion. But what it takes out of you isn't always bad.
When I wrote that song I was crying and hurt. I have been trying fix things in my life and recreate fire by memories. To be honest...That is how I write almost all of my lyrics. I think pain = inspiration.
Now. I am NOT saying go mess up your life and put yourself in pain to write some lyrics, I am just saying that you should try to find what inspires you to be better or have passion.

Mainly, for future references, music defines people. Lyrics define people. So in return if you think a feeling with push you, go for it. There is really no wrong answer when it comes to music.


Thursday, September 18, 2014


I've never done this before...ever. I am going to release a song I've written. So enjoy!

Walking around all by myself
Never been this lonely
Tell me where do I go
What do I do
I may be independent but you cant spell that without the word "need"
I'm just looking for answers
But baby you're where everything leads

Its a cold world
But when I see you its like the light came on
Its the difference from morning to night when you are in my life

Its been a crazy experience
But isn't that living
On the edge next to me that's where you belong
I come to you and its like there was never a break because you are my ball of engery
I can feel when you say my name
You alluminate me baby

The world gets warmer when I see you
The light comes on
Its the difference between morning and night
When you stay in my life

Through everything you were the only one
I'd give my heart
And soul
Just so you know

Everything can be fixed
Just stay and give me the chance
Then man I love is what you see in the mirror
You turned the light on and it'll stay until you return
I'll turn it off when I hear the music
Because I know you'll be mine

Its the difference from morning and night
When you stay in my life.

Power (Classical and Rock)

1.Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. 2. A sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious 3. The written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound. The score or scores of a musical composition or compositions.
That is the definition of “Music” but is that the true definition? Is that truly what “Music” means? What is the message? What does it mean? How are people affected? What is the power of music?

“Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here!” 
J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

To start with let's think about genre's when you look at music depending on the genre you can usually start from there.

Classical music -serious or conventional music following long-established principles rather than a folk, jazz, or popular tradition. That is the stereo typical definition to most people, but is that really what it is? When I am in a certain indescribable mood, it is the only music I can listen to that justifies my thoughts. How? I don't know but it does. Classical music has the power unlike other music to know what you need and help you think. Even though it may sound stupid, next time you need to think turn on some classical music. Feel what I mean.

Rock- a form of popular music that evolved from rock and roll and pop music during the mid- and late 1960s. Harsher and often self-consciously more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-Establishment lyrics. Do you think that is a very accurate definition? No it isn’t. Not just looking at the new age music itself, look at the history. Look at everything the power of Rock Music has done, how many people is has brought together. (Side Note: If you have not seen Rock Of Ages I definitely recommend it. You will really grasp what I am saying). Rock music isn’t a sin, I hope you know that. When I tell you to listen to rock music, do it. It’ll be very beneficial.

The Rant

I have been having trouble trying to come up with a topic to write about pertaining to music, when in all reality it was hitting me like a bus. Music is a controversial subject on its own good or bad. I realized though a perfect topic to blog about would be the message.

Let me give an example, I was looking at different types of music, one thing that spoke out to is while I was looking was that I came to rock music, and everything it talked about was how rock and roll and different types of rock are associated with sin, sex, drugs, acholol, and objectifying women.

In some cases that is true, but if you take a step back and look at all the music that is mainly what a lot of it is, no matter what the genre is. Examples? Okay.

1. "Hope You Get Lonely Tonight" By Cole Swindell (Country)
This song talks about how he hopes the girl he loves gets lonely so see we call him for some late night drunk sex.  

2. "Bang Bang" By Jessie J (Pop)
This is a song that talks about how people are going to "Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it) Wait a minute let me take you there (ah) Wait a minute 'til ya (ah)" Ha! Real appropriate.

3. "Booty Work" By T-Pain (Rap)
Mama you look so professional I'm followin' you sweating you I can't believe I'm doing what I'm doing, what is wrong with my head, go ahead Cause baby I like how you're working it, I'm watching you, you're twerking it I'm trying get you out of this club and get you off in my bed. This is about this guy watching a girls ass the whole time then wanting to get it on with her. 

Granted yes, rock music has that too. However it was very obvious that ALL genres have songs like these it is NOT just the "Rock and Roll" community. Yes, I know the sayings about rock music, but people need to realize it is NOT just that genre.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twenty-One Pilots

Have you ever heard of Twenty-One Pilots? No? Well you're crazy, and about to.

Twenty-One Pilots is a two man music group who started together 5 years ago. The duo consist of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun from Columbus, Ohio that were two college friends, both with extreme musical talent. In 2011, they released their first album Regional At Best, then they became noticed by a record label named Fueled By Ramen, who they later signed on to a contract with them. When 2013 hit, they released their newest album Vessel featuring such songs as "Trees" or "Run and Go" and went on tour with this album. There tour took them to such places as the MTV Movie Awards in 2014. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjZ9Dx-bnmQ) Which is also the reason I fell in love with them.

Twenty-One Pilot's music is not your average pop on the radio, it isn't about objectifying women or doing drugs. It is just music. No need to complicate things. They don't really have a genre but if you had to classify them as something it would maybe be Indie Techo. One song in particular (Actually the one linked above from the MTV Movie Awards) it was a song that saved my life. The performance when I seen it on the award show was the most inspiring performance of my life. Read the lyrics.

They are so powerful, especially the underlined part below. When I heard him say that it clicked. Joseph's introspective rhymes keep people thinking and on their toes. His main point of his songs are to make people realize and clearly understand how important life and music are and that they are the same thing.

I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate
They fill with fire
Exhale desire
I know it's dire
My time today

I have these thoughts
So often I ought
To replace that slot
With what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole
My car radio
And now I just sit in silence

Sometimes quiet is violent
I find it hard to hide it
My pride is no longer inside
It's on my sleeve
My skin will scream
Reminding me of
Who I killed inside my dream
I hate this car that I'm driving
There's no hiding for me
I'm forced to deal with what I feel
There is no distraction to mask what is real
I could pull the steering wheel

I have these thoughts
So often I ought
To replace that slot
With what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole
My car radio
And now I just sit in silence

I ponder of something terrifying
'Cause this time there's no sound to hide behind
I find over the course of our human existence
One thing consists of consistence
And it's that we're all battling fear
Oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here
Oh my, 
Too deep
Please stop thinking
I liked it better when my car had sound

There are things we can do
But from the things that work there are only two
And from the two that we choose to do
Peace will win
And fear will lose
There's faith and there's sleep
We need to pick one please because
Faith is to be awake
And to be awake is for us to think
And for us to think is to be alive
And I will try with every rhyme
To come across like I am dying
To let you know you need to try to think

I have these thoughts
So often I ought
To replace that slot
With what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole
My car radio
And now I just sit in silence

I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate
They fill with fire
Exhale desire
I know it's dire

Monday, September 8, 2014


Ramones, Television, Patti Smith Group, Blondie, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, Talking Heads and so many more. We all know these legendary bands. We all know of their success. However do you ever really stop and wonder, "Well how did they get their start?" It all started in a little pub called CBGB.

CBGB stands for Country, Bluegrass, and Blues. In 1973 on 315 Bowery interluding Bleecker Street in Easy Village, Hilly Kristal opened this club with the intention to only play those three types of music. Kristal was one of those men with the intention of settling a calm and collected bar with a few shows performing smooth music and an easy going environment.

Well that didn't happen. Once Kristal opened the joint he had issues trying to find music groups to perform fitting his specifications. The groups who came through were young punk kids who Hilly was not impressed with. Yet he gave them a chance. He was in debt and had no other choices. So he let these small town punk bands perform.

After getting the word out the club became increasing popular. Just about everyone with a guitar, drums, a base, and a vocalist played in Hilly's place. Once the club got going the bands playing because more popular and then started to become regulars at his place. As the regulars were more demanded, scouts came and other talent agents would come and view the bands of Kristal's bar, wanting to take them over. Hilly actually managed some of his regulars.

For example, there was a band that became called the Dead Boys that Hilly managed. It was a group of three semi-talented immature young guys into doing drugs and promoting self hurt and anguish during their sets. Anyway Kristal went through an sent the boys on tour. During their tour the boys were driving their tour truck and were drinking, fighting, hurting themselves then ended up crashing the truck and losing all the money Hilly gave them. But that is a story for another time!

Hilly Kristal was a devoted and determined man. Even when someone like the Dead Boys lost his money, he still would not give up his club. It was the most important thing in his life. Without this club there wouldn't have been any of the bands I named earlier. The CBGB club persevered their careers. Can you imagine the world without Blondie or the Ramones? I can't!