We all know the Constitution. We are all born with our rights in America. Or so 'they' tell us.
But what really happens?
We are born into a world in the United States that is controlled by capitalism and the government.
(And well who can really trust those things?)
Now. The United States of America is the greatest country in the world. I would not want to live in any of part of the world. But even though we have the most equality and (for the most part) our constitutional rights.
I say for the most part for many reasons. One of the easiest examples to explain would be freedom of speech in the workplace or school.
Okay so a little sub-story to my point, I have a potty mouth. I swear like a sailor. It does not bother me however. It has gotten me in trouble though. I have even been suspended for it.
Which brings me back to my main point. Even though it happened long ago, I do not feel that was reason to suspend me, or any child for that reason, nor to fire people (because that happens in this world). That is a violation of our rights though! Just because you say the word fuck does not mean a child should be suspended from school.
It is something that has always bothered me that someone can get in trouble for saying a "curse" word. Which to me, that is not even a real thing. That is just stupid. People and society just gave those words more meaning then needed to where people can not say a word like fuck or shit without being shunned. Even though we are giving that right the second sperm and egg create a fetus.
I really wish this was not even a problem. Sometimes you just need a word like that to make your point and you should not be shunned for exercising your freedom of speech.
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